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 +====== BITREK documentation ======
 +==== Welcome to the BITREK documentation page! Here you can find answers to some technical questions, recommendations for installation, operation, and device usage ====
 +  * [[en:quickstart|Getting Started]]
 +  * [[en:mounting|Mounting Recommendations]]
 +  * [[en:devicecab|How to access the device cabinet?]]
 +  * [[en:deviceconf|How to access the device configuration menu?]]
 +  * [[en:dahuaconnect|How to connect a Bitrek-Dahua camera?]]
 +  * [[en:cameraconnect|How to connect cameras from other manufacturers?]]
 +  * [[en:livenvr|How to view live stream?]]
 +  * [[en:livewialon|How to view live stream on Wialon service?]]
 +  * [[en:tracker|How to enable tracker?]]
 +  * [[en:ftp|How to configure FTP client?]]
 +  * [[en:ftpubuntu|How to configure FTP client in Linux Ubuntu OS?]]
 +  * [[en:wificonnect|How to connect the device to an access point?]]
 +  * [[en:wifirouter|How to connect the device to a router?]]
 +  * [[en:lanconnect|How to connect the device to the internet via LAN?]]
 +  * [[en:vpn|How to add VPN client?]]
 +  * [[en:filescheking|How to check files in device storage?]]
 +  * [[en:storsagetype|How to choose storage type?]]
 +  * [[en:storagequote|How to configure deletion quotas for files in storage?]]
 +  * [[en:schedulereboot|How to schedule device reboot?]]
 +  * [[en:sheduleignitionreboot|How to schedule device shutdown by ignition sensor?]]
 +  * [[en:camsheduleignitionreboot|How to schedule camera power off by ignition sensor?]]
 +  * [[en:filenameevent|How to configure event-generated file name?]]
 +  * [[en:filenamerecorder|How to configure recorder-generated file name?]]
 +  * [[en:test|How to take a test photo or video?]]
 +  * [[en:connect|How to set up CONNECT device address?]]
 +  * [[en:gsm|How to connect the device to GSM/LTE network?]]
 +  * [[en:live|How to enable live streaming?]]
 +  * [[en:timelapse|How to enable Timelapse mode?]]
 +  * [[en:eventcenteredmode|How to enable event-centered video mode?]]
 +  * [[en:sensorsadd|What sensors can be added?]]
 +  * [[en:simplesensors|What are simple sensors?]]
 +  * [[en:complexsensors|What is a complex sensor?]]
 +  * [[en:internalsensor|How to add an internal sensor?]]
 +  * [[en:cansensor|How to add a CAN sensor?]]
 +  * [[en:photorecorder|How to enable photo recorder?]]
 +  * [[en:viderecorder|How to enable video recorder?]]