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en:livenvr [2024/04/18 13:51] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== How do I view the live broadcast? ======
 +First, we need to go to [[|device bitrek video]]
 +There are several ways to view the live broadcast on [[|]]
 +  - under Streaming video player
 +  - via link token
 +{{{ en:bitrek_device.jpg?direct |}}
 +  * The first way: via streaming video player
 +In the main menu go to the section **__video streaming player__**, which will display all the cameras connected to the device and their live broadcast
 +{{ :uk:device_bitrek_video_live.jpg?direct&600 |}}
 +  * The second way: Through TOKEN links.
 +In the main menu in the **Secure Access Token** section press the **Streaming video** button and go to the corresponding section, where all the cameras connected to the device and their live broadcast will be displayed
 +{{ :uk:device_bitrek_video_cabinet_live.jpg?direct&600 |}}