In this section you can set the following parameters:

For event files:

For cyclically written files:

The device also provides access to internal storage using the built-in FTP server

Figure 1 – Event FTP server

Table 1 – Event FTP server parameter description

Parameter Parameter description
Address link to FTP server to save photos and videos. Can be both site URL and IP address
PortFTP server PORT
UsernameUsername for FTP server
Passwordpassword for FTP server user
FolderThe root folder in which they will be sent files from DVR. When you click on button “Set folder value = DVR IMEI” the folder name will be set to IMEI device. If the server does not have a folder with such a name will be an attempt to create folders when you first connect
PatternSet the folder creation format. Format The settings are listed in Table 2. To use a data type name (Photo or Video), you must specify a key #T
Send interface Interface for sending to the server via Wi-Fi or through another interface
Use 2G to send files Allow to send files with the help of the 2G connection
By content type sending priority - first photo, then video or vice versa
By time Priority of sending - first new files then old and vice versa
Threads Number of streams sent to the server

Table 2 – Description of the pattern for setting the name of the created file

Pattern Pattern description
%% sign %
Local abbreviated name of the day of the week (for example, Sun)
Local full name of the day of the week (for example Monday)
%b Local abbreviated name of the month (for example, Jan)
%B Local full name of the month (for example, January)
%c Local data and time (for example, thur 18 Mar 2021 10:19:29)
%C Century; similarly %Y, except for the last two characters (for example, 21)
%d Day of a month (for example, 01)
%D Date; similarly %m/%d/%y
%e Day of a month, supplemented by spaces; similarly %_d
%F Full date ; equivalent %Y-%m-%d
%g The last two digits of the year, which corresponds to the week number according to ISO 8601 (look %G)
%G The year corresponding to the week number in the year according to ISO 8601 (look. %V); usually only makes sense in conjunction with %V
%h The same, that %b
%H Hour (00..23
%I Hour (01..12)
%j The number of a day in year (001..366)
%k Hour (0..23)
%l Hour (1..12)
%m Month (01..12)
%M minute (00..59)
%n New line
%N nanoseconds (000000000..999999999)
%p Local equivalent AM or PM; empty if unknown
%P similarly %p, but only in lower case
%r Local 12-hour time (for example, 11:11:04 PM)
%R 24-hour format of hours and minutes; similarly %H:%M
%s the number of seconds that elapsed from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
%S second (00..60)
%t Tabulation
%T time; similarly %H:%M:%S
%u Day of the week (1..7); 1 means Monday
%U the number of the week in the year that begins on Sunday (00..53)
%V week number in the year beginning Monday, according to ISO 8601 (01..53)
%w Day of the week (0..6), 0 means Sunday
%W week number in the year beginning Monday (00..53)
%x Local date display (for example, 31.12.1999)
%X Local time display (for example, 23:13:48)
%y Last two digits of the year (00..99)
%Y Year
%z Time zone in format `+hhmm`( for example, -0400)
%:z Time zone in format `+hh:mm`( for example, -04:00)
%::z Time zone in format `+hh:mm:ss`( for example, -04:00:00)
%:::z Часовий пояс з достатньою кількістю двокрапок (наприклад, -04, +05:30)
%Z time zone with enough colons (for example, -04, +05:30)

Figure 2 – Loop photo FTP server

Table 3 – Loop photo client configuration

Parameter Parameter description
Address link to FTP server to save photos. Can be both site URL and IP address
PortFTP server PORT
UsernameUsername for FTP server
Passwordpassword for FTP server user
FolderThe root folder in which they will be sent files from DVR. When you click on button “Set folder value = DVR IMEI” the folder name will be set to IMEI device. If the server does not have a folder with such a name will be an attempt to create folders when you first connect
PatternSet the folder creation format. Format The settings are listed in Table 2.
Send interface Interface for sending to the server via Wi-Fi or through another interface
Use 2G to send files Allow to send files with the help of the 2G connection
By time Priority of sending - first new files then old and vice versa

Figure 3 – Loop video FTP server

Table 4 – Loop video parameter description

Parameter Parameter description
Address link to FTP server to save videos. Can be both site URL and IP address
PortFTP server PORT
UsernameUsername for FTP server
Passwordpassword for FTP server user
FolderThe root folder in which they will be sent files from DVR. When you click on button “Set folder value = DVR IMEI” the folder name will be set to IMEI device. If the server does not have a folder with such a name will be an attempt to create folders when you first connect
PatternSet the folder creation format. Format The settings are listed in Table 2.
Send interface Interface for sending to the server via Wi-Fi or through another interface
Use 2G to send files Allow to send files with the help of the 2G connection
By time Priority of sending - first new files then old and vice versa

To set the default settings, click the Default button. To save settings in NVR click Save settings button.