This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== How do I set up an FTP client? ====== In order to set up an FTP client you need to: * Know the address of the device or be directly connected to it via LAN * Have a downloaded FTP client application Let's take **FileZilla** as an example Follow the link and you will find yourself on [[|FileZilla download page]] {{ :uk:filezailla_download.jpg?direct&600 |}} Choose the type of operating system and its version and download, then install it. After installation open the program, to connect to the device you need to enter in the __host__ a known **address** of the device (for example or **IP address** (, enter** password** and **port** and press the **Fast connection** button {{ en:filezilla_connect.jpg?direct |}} not to enter this information constantly you can save it by going to **File/Site Manager** or by pressing **Ctrl+S**, then press **new site** and in the host field write **address** without prefix http, https or IP address and its **port**, then press **OK** {{en:filezilla_file_manager.jpg?direct |}}