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en:controlpanel [2024/04/18 12:26] – created - external edit [2024/05/07 15:26] (current) admin
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 ====== Control Panel ====== ====== Control Panel ======
 +=== Regular Expressions in Filter ===
 +The "Filter" field supports advanced search using regular expressions, with search queries starting with **regexp:**
 +  * Description of regular expressions [[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_expressions|here]].
 +  * Tester: [[https://regex101.com/|here]].
 +>Note - It is recommended to use ChatGPT to generate regular expressions based on verbal descriptions.
 +  * regexp:70$ -  One of the fields ends with 70.
 +  * regexp:^T.*9$ - Starts with T and ends with 9.
 +  * regexp:hv9/2.5 - Finds versions of hv9 2.5.
 +  * regexp:^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{9}$ - Finds all containing digits, the Latin alphabet, and _ with a length of 9.
 +  * regexp:^.{8}$ - Finds all with a length of 8.
 +  * regexp:^[a-zA-Z]$ - Finds only those containing EXCLUSIVELY Latin alphabet characters.
 +>Search with regular expressions is performed only in these fields: NAME IMEI HW_VER SW_VER NETWORK_TYPE LAT LON
 {{ :en:cms_panel_en.png }} {{ :en:cms_panel_en.png }}